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How often should pesticides be sprayed during wheat cultivation? When should I call?

Time:2024-03-19      Click:75

The first time, in mid-November, 30-40 days after wheat planting.

Spraying purpose: to control weeds, especially "wild wheat" (brome, wild oats, knobs and other malignant weeds). Spraying herbicide at this time has good effect and light drug damage [Pay attention to the 3 days before and after spraying, the night temperature is low above 0℃, the day is better than 10℃, or the average daily temperature is above 5 ℃]. - According to the species of weeds, choose the corresponding herbicide!

The second time, mid-March - mid-April, the wheat rise period - jointing booting period.

Spraying purpose: is [a spray treatment], mainly divided into two aspects:

Or A, to "prevention of lodging, taking into account yield increase, and disease damage" [wheat field population is large, growth past, or varieties lodging resistance is average or lodging resistance is weak plots]. -- Spraying pesticides: 2 dwarfing agents + blue crystal or explosive productivity enhancer + 1-2 triazole fungicides.

Or B, to "prevention of disease, taking into account yield increase, and prevent stagnation" [last year wheat had "root rot" or "dry wilt" or "total erosion" and other soil-borne diseases of the plot, to use more medicinal liquid, focus on spraying]! - Pesticide application: 2 types of fungicide (80% ethylallicin +43% pentazolol or 8% fluosilazole) + blue crystal or "explosive" production enhancer (hexa + brassicin + adenine + amines, etc.).

The third time, the critical period after wheat heading "before flowering".

Purpose of spraying: to prevent wheat plasma fluke + prevent wheat scab, treat ear aphis, leaf bees, powdery mildew, rust, etc., and promote fertilization and pollination to promote grout.

Spraying pesticides: chrysanthemum pesticides + acetanilidine + pentazolol (if rainy years, acres of pure medicine 12 grams) + blue crystal or "Coric liquid fertilizer" or "explosive productivity enhancer" and so on.

Prev:Attention! When these symptoms appear in wheat, do not apply herbicides first!
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